

WIP - publicação em modelo work-in-progress, logo, atualizado sem regularidade ou aviso. [2022-07-10]

muitos acontecimentos são esquecidos ou não noticiados no curso da pandemia. a presente publicação é uma tentativa tardia de resgatar a cronologia de eventos, argumentos utilizados e ainda concentrar acontecimentos ou documentos com baixa divulgação.

esta publicação portanto não tem o intuito de ser completa, exaustiva, mas tão somente auxiliar.

por fim, saiba que:

datas em negrito indicam ocorrência de algum fato ou publicação de notícia.

datas em colchetes após trechos de textos indicam a data da minha última leitura do mesmo em relação ao link oferecido. sabendo que sites podem mudar seus conteúdos a qualquer momento, posso garantir apenas que no dia da leitura estava presente o mesmo trecho listado aqui, sem alterações de minha parte.

ainda sugiro que use uma ferramenta de tradução como:

deepl [https://www.deepl.com/translator#en/pt/] , 

libretranslate [https://libretranslate.com/?source=en&target=pt] , 

google [https://translate.google.com/?sl=en&tl=pt] , 

yandex [https://translate.yandex.com/?lang=en-pt], 

microsoft [https://www.bing.com/translator?ref=MsftMT]

agregadores e repositórios da dados

Aatish Bhatia - Covid Trends 


Our World in Data - Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)


Ministério da Saúde - Painel Coronavírus


Lorenzo Ridolfi - ZeroBias


National Library of Medicine - PubMed


CovidAnalysis - COVID-19 treatment studies


ResearchGate - Discover the world's scientific knowledge


histórico de notícias

2022-12-03 "Scientist who worked at Wuhan lab says COVID was man-made virus" - por Isabel Vincent, New York Post [2022-12-03]

source: https://nypost.com/2022/12/03/scientist-who-worked-at-wuhan-lab-says-covid-man-made-virus/

2022-07-13 "Why does Joe Biden's family privately refer to him as 'Pedo Peter'?" - por Tucker Carlson, FoxNews [2022-07-13]

"O lucro líquido das 10 maiores farmacêuticas cresceu 41% do 1º trimestre de 2020 (início da pandemia) ao 1º trimestre de 2022. Passou de US$ 21,4 bilhões para US$ 30,2 bilhões.

Quem mais viu seus ganhos crescer foi a Pfizer. A empresa teve alta de 131% no lucro líquido. Em seu balanço, credita a alta de faturamento à vacina e ao remédio Paxlovid, ambos destinados ao combate da pandemia de covid-19." [2022-07-13]

source: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1547242777993482241

fonte: https://www.poder360.com.br/coronavirus/lucro-das-maiores-farmaceuticas-cresce-41-na-pandemia/

2022-04-22 "Declara o encerramento da Emergência em Saúde Pública de Importância Nacional (ESPIN) em decorrência da infecção humana pelo novo coronavírus (2019-nCoV) e revoga a Portaria GM/MS nº 188, de 3 de fevereiro de 2020." - assinado por Min Marcelo Antônio Cartaxo Queiroga Lopes [2022-07-11]

fonte: https://www.in.gov.br/en/web/dou/-/portaria-gm/ms-n-913-de-22-de-abril-de-2022-394545491

2021-11-25 "Aqui vai: o relatório que serviu de base para a aprovação da vacina da Pfizer pela agência reguladora FDA foi 'atualizado'. Sabe o que mudou? Só o número de mortos, um mero detalhe. Discretamente, sem qualquer menção a essa mudança específica, enterrado quase ao final das 30 páginas do documento, a Pfizer diz que não foram 15 mortes no grupo de vacinados, foram 21. Parece pouca coisa, claro, a não ser que você compare com as mortes entre os não-vacinados. Sabe quantas pessoas não-vacinadas morreram nesse mesmo experimento? Um total de 17. (...)

A FDA quer 55 anos para liberar informação sobre a vacina da Pfizer." [2022-07-09]

"Proper Name: COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA; Proprietary Name: COMIRNATY" - página 01 [2022-07-09]

"From Dose 1 through the March 13, 2021 data cutoff date, there were a total of 38 deaths, 21 in the COMIRNATY group and 17 in the placebo group. None of the deaths were considered related to vaccination." - página 23 [2022-07-09]

fonte: https://www.poder360.com.br/opiniao/a-vacina-da-covid-e-o-jornalismo-de-omissao-escreve-paula-schmitt/

source: https://www.fda.gov/media/151733/download

source: https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/wait-what-fda-wants-55-years-process-foia-request-over-vaccine-data-2021-11-18/

2020-03-29 "In the age of social distancing due to the coronavirus, authorities in England have dumped black dye into a picturesque bright blue lagoon to stop Instagrammers from gathering to snap pictures." [2022-07-13]

source: https://www.foxnews.com/world/coronavirus-lockdown-england-police-blue-lagoon-dye-black-derbyshire-police

2020-03-11 "The World Health Organization declares COVID-19 a pandemic." [2022-07-11]

source: https://www.cdc.gov/museum/timeline/covid19.html

2020-02-23 "As Italy becomes a global COVID-19 hotspot, the Italian government issues Decree-Law No. 6 of February 23, 2020, containing Urgent Measures to Contain and manage the Epidemiological Emergency Caused by COVID-19, effectively locking down the country." [2022-07-11]

source: https://www.cdc.gov/museum/timeline/covid19.html

2020-02-14 "Wuhan asks recovered patients to donate plasma" [2022-07-11]

source: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/hubei-timeline

2020-02-06 "LEI Nº 13.979, DE 6 DE FEVEREIRO DE 2020

Dispõe sobre as medidas para enfrentamento da emergência de saúde pública de importância internacional decorrente do coronavírus responsável pelo surto de 2019.

§ 2º Ato do Ministro de Estado da Saúde disporá sobre a duração da situação de emergência de saúde pública de que trata esta Lei.

   § 3º O prazo de que trata o § 2º deste artigo não poderá ser superior ao declarado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. (...)

   I - isolamento: separação de pessoas doentes ou contaminadas, ou de bagagens, meios de transporte, mercadorias ou encomendas postais afetadas, de outros, de maneira a evitar a contaminação ou a propagação do coronavírus; e

   II - quarentena: restrição de atividades ou separação de pessoas suspeitas de contaminação das pessoas que não estejam doentes, ou de bagagens, contêineres, animais, meios de transporte ou mercadorias suspeitos de contaminação, de maneira a evitar a possível contaminação ou a propagação do coronavírus. (...)

   Art. 3º Para enfrentamento da emergência de saúde pública de importância internacional decorrente do coronavírus, poderão ser adotadas, entre outras, as seguintes medidas:

   I - isolamento;

   II - quarentena;

   III - determinação de realização compulsória de:

    a) exames médicos; b) testes laboratoriais; c) coleta de amostras clínicas; d) vacinação e outras medidas profiláticas; ou e) tratamentos médicos específicos; (...)

   VI - restrição excepcional e temporária de entrada e saída do País, conforme recomendação técnica e fundamentada da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa), por rodovias, portos ou aeroportos; (...)

   Art. 4º Fica dispensada a licitação para aquisição de bens, serviços e insumos de saúde destinados ao enfrentamento da emergência de saúde pública de importância internacional decorrente do coronavírus de que trata esta Lei. (...)

   Art. 5º Toda pessoa colaborará com as autoridades sanitárias na comunicação imediata de:

   I - possíveis contatos com agentes infecciosos do coronavírus;

   II - circulação em áreas consideradas como regiões de contaminação pelo coronavírus.

   Art. 6º É obrigatório o compartilhamento entre órgãos e entidades da administração pública federal, estadual, distrital e municipal de dados essenciais à identificação de pessoas infectadas ou com suspeita de infecção pelo coronavírus, com a finalidade exclusiva de evitar a sua propagação." - assinado por Pr Jair Messias Bolsonaro, Min Sérgio Moro, Min Luiz Henrique Mandetta [2022-07-11]

fonte: https://www2.camara.leg.br/legin/fed/lei/2020/lei-13979-6-fevereiro-2020-789744-publicacaooriginal-159954-pl.html

2020-02-11 "The World Health Organization announces the official name for the disease that is causing the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak: COVID-19. The new name of this disease is an abbreviated version of coronavirus disease 2019." [2022-07-11]

source: https://www.cdc.gov/museum/timeline/covid19.html

2020-02-03 "Declara Emergência em Saúde Pública de importância Nacional (ESPIN) em decorrência da Infecção Humana pelo novo Coronavírus (2019-nCoV)." - assinado por Min Luiz Henrique Mandetta [2022-07-11]

fonte: https://www.in.gov.br/en/web/dou/-/portaria-n-188-de-3-de-fevereiro-de-2020-241408388

2020-01-23 "China puts Wuhan on lockdown." [2022-07-11]

source: https://www.defense.gov/Spotlights/Coronavirus-DOD-Response/Timeline/

2020-01-22 "The World Health Organization confirms human-to-human spread of the novel coronavirus." [2022-07-11]

source: https://www.cdc.gov/museum/timeline/covid19.html

2020-01-19 "Pulmonologist Nanshan Zhong announces human-to-human spread" [2022-07-11]

source: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/hubei-timeline

2020-01-18 "CDC confirms the first U.S. laboratory-confirmed case of COVID-19 in the U.S. from samples taken on January 18 in Washington state." [2022-07-11]

source: https://www.cdc.gov/museum/timeline/covid19.html

2020-01-13 "The Thailand Ministry of Public Health confirms the first imported case of lab-confirmed novel coronavirus from China." [2022-07-11]

"Incubation period identified as 14 days" [2022-07-11]

source: https://www.cdc.gov/museum/timeline/covid19.html

source: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/hubei-timeline

2020-01-11 "First coronavirus death worldwide is reported in Wuhan, China. " [2022-07-11]

"The Wuhan Municipal Health Commission announces the first death caused by the coronavirus. A 61-year-old man, exposed to the virus at the seafood market, died on January 9 after respiratory failure caused by severe pneumonia." [2022-07-11]

source: https://www.defense.gov/Spotlights/Coronavirus-DOD-Response/Timeline/

source: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/08/09/health/covid-19-pandemic-timeline-fast-facts/index.html

2020-01-07 "Chinese authorities confirm that they have identified the virus as a novel coronavirus, initially named 2019-nCoV by WHO." [2022-07-11]

source: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/08/09/health/covid-19-pandemic-timeline-fast-facts/index.html

2020-01-05 "Chinese public health official share the genetic sequence of the unknown pneumonia virus (Wuhan-Hu-1) through an online database." [2022-07-11]

source: https://www.cdc.gov/museum/timeline/covid19.html

2020-01-01 "Wuhan, China officials close seafood market, thought to be the source of the first viral pneumonia cases." [2022-07-11]

source: https://www.defense.gov/Spotlights/Coronavirus-DOD-Response/Timeline/

2019-12-12 "A cluster of patients in Wuhan, Hubei Providence, China begin to experience shortness of breath and fever" [2022-07-11]

source: https://www.cdc.gov/museum/timeline/covid19.html

2019-12-08 "First person to test positive (Wuhan, China). " [2022-07-11]

source: https://www.defense.gov/Spotlights/Coronavirus-DOD-Response/Timeline/

2019-11-27 "Partículas do novo coronavírus, SARS-CoV-2, foram encontradas em duas amostras do esgoto de Florianópolis colhidas em 27 de novembro de 2019, dois meses antes do primeiro caso clínico ser relatado no Brasil. A descoberta é descrita na pesquisa SARS-CoV-2 in human sewage in Santa Catarina, Brazil, November 2019, de pesquisadores da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, da Universidade de Burgos (Espanha) e da startup BiomeHub." - publicado em 2020-07-02 [2022-07-09]

fonte: https://noticias.ufsc.br/2020/07/particulas-do-novo-coronavirus-sao-descobertas-em-amostra-do-esgoto-de-novembro-de-2019/

2019-11-17 "Initial infection of patient zero is believed to have happened per Chinese official statement." [2022-07-11]

source: https://www.defense.gov/Spotlights/Coronavirus-DOD-Response/Timeline/

2019-10-18 "Os Jogos Mundiais Militares de 2019 ocorreram entre os dias 18 de Outubro de 2019 e 27 de Outubro de 2019 na cidade de Wuhan, na China." [2022-07-09]

fonte: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jogos_Mundiais_Militares_de_2019

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Military_World_Games

- fase pré-covid

2019-08-10 - morte de Jeffrey Edward Epstein (1953-01-20 - 2019-08-10) [o qual possuía alguma relação com Ghislaine Noelle Marion Maxwell]

fonte: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Epstein

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Epstein

2019 - ano da covid

2017-04-06 "Working to Stop Misinformation and False News

We know people want to see accurate information on Facebook – and so do we.

False news is harmful to our community, it makes the world less informed, and it erodes trust. It’s not a new phenomenon, and all of us — tech companies, media companies, newsrooms, teachers — have a responsibility to do our part in addressing it. At Facebook, we’re working to fight the spread of false news in three key areas:

    disrupting economic incentives because most false news is financially motivated;

    building new products to curb the spread of false news; and

    helping people make more informed decisions when they encounter false news. (...)

Update on August 3, 2017: We made an update where if an article has been reviewed by fact checkers, we may show the fact checking stories below the original post in Related Articles." [2022-07-13]

source: https://about.fb.com/news/2017/04/working-to-stop-misinformation-and-false-news/

2017-01-31 "New Signals to Show You More Authentic and Timely Stories (...)

With this update, we’re adding new universal signals to determine whether a post might be authentic. (...)

For example, if Page posts are often being hidden by people reading them, that’s a signal that it might not be authentic." [2022-07-13]

source: https://about.fb.com/news/2017/01/news-feed-fyi-new-signals-to-show-you-more-authentic-and-timely-stories/

2017-01-20 - início do primeiro mandato de Donald John Trump. terminado em 2021-01-20 [2022-07-13]

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump

2016-12-15 "Addressing Hoaxes and Fake News  (...)

We believe in giving people a voice and that we cannot become arbiters of truth ourselves, so we’re approaching this problem carefully. We’ve focused our efforts on the worst of the worst, on the clear hoaxes spread by spammers for their own gain, and on engaging both our community and third party organizations. (...)

We believe providing more context can help people decide for themselves what to trust and what to share. We’ve started a program to work with third-party fact checking organizations that are signatories of Poynter’s International Fact Checking Code of Principles. (...)

Stories that have been disputed may also appear lower in News Feed.

It will still be possible to share these stories, but you will see a warning that the story has been disputed as you share.

Once a story is flagged, it can’t be made into an ad and promoted, either." [2022-07-13]

source: https://about.fb.com/news/2016/12/news-feed-fyi-addressing-hoaxes-and-fake-news/

info: https://www.ifcncodeofprinciples.poynter.org/

2016-11-08 - eleição de Donald John Trump [2022-07-13] 

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump

2016-10 - início da popularização da expressão "fake news" online. [2022-07-09]

source: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=fake%20news

2016-08-11 "With this update, we are creating a new ranking signal to predict what is most informative to you, so those stories appear higher in your feed. First, we look at the stories that people tell us they find informative. People from our Feed Quality Program look at each story in their feed and rank it on a scale of one to five — one being 'really not informative' and five being 'really informative.' Generally, we’ve found people find stories informative if they are related to their interests, if they engage people in broader discussions and if they contain news about the world around them. That could be anything from recipes, to local issues, to global current events. The stories people rate as informative and really informative help create a new prediction about how informative we think you’ll find each story.

We then combine this signal with how relevant the story might be to you personally — taking into account things like your relationship with the person or publisher that posted, or what you choose to click on, comment on or share — to best predict stories that you might personally find informative. Informative stories are therefore different for each person and will likely change over time." [2022-07-13]

source: https://about.fb.com/news/2016/08/news-feed-fyi-showing-you-more-personally-informative-stories/

2016-08-04 "Further Reducing Clickbait in Feed (...)

To address clickbait headlines, we previously made an update to News Feed that reduces the distribution of posts that lead people to click and then quickly come back to News Feed. While this update helped, we’re still seeing Pages rely on clickbait headlines, and people are still telling us they would prefer to see clearly written headlines that help them decide how they want to spend their time and not waste time on what they click.

We are focusing more effort on this, and are updating News Feed by using a system that identifies phrases that are commonly used in clickbait headlines. First, we categorized tens of thousands of headlines as clickbait by considering two key points: (1) if the headline withholds information required to understand what the content of the article is; and (2) if the headline exaggerates the article to create misleading expectations for the reader. For example, the headline 'You’ll Never Believe Who Tripped and Fell on the Red Carpet…' withholds information required to understand the article (What happened? Who Tripped?) The headline 'Apples Are Actually Bad For You?!' misleads the reader (apples are only bad for you if you eat too many every day). A team at Facebook reviewed thousands of headlines using these criteria, validating each other’s work to identify a large set of clickbait headlines." [2022-07-13]

source: https://about.fb.com/news/2016/08/news-feed-fyi-further-reducing-clickbait-in-feed/

2016-07-19 - candidatura oficial de Donald John Trump (1946-06-14 - ) à presidência USA. [2022-07-09]

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_2016_presidential_campaign

2016-06-29 "When we launched News Feed in 2006, it was hard to imagine the challenge we now face: far too much information for any one person to consume. In the decade since, more than a billion people have joined Facebook, and today they share a flood of stories every day. That’s why stories in News Feed are ranked — so that people can see what they care about first, and don’t miss important stuff from their friends. If the ranking is off, people don’t engage, and leave dissatisfied. So one of our most important jobs is getting this ranking right." [2022-07-13]

source: https://about.fb.com/news/2016/06/building-a-better-news-feed-for-you/

2016-02-24 "What the Reactions Launch Means for News Feed (...)

Initially, just as we do when someone likes a post, if someone uses a Reaction, we will infer they want to see more of that type of post. In the beginning, it won’t matter if someone likes, “wows” or “sads” a post — we will initially use any Reaction similar to a Like to infer that you want to see more of that type of content. Over time we hope to learn how the different Reactions should be weighted differently by News Feed to do a better job of showing everyone the stories they most want to see." [2022-07-13]

source: https://about.fb.com/news/2016/02/news-feed-fyi-what-the-reactions-launch-means-for-news-feed/

2015-07-31 "A Better Understanding of 'Hide'

The goal of News Feed is to show you the content that matters to you. (...)

We also offer the option to hide stories that you don’t want to see in News Feed. (...)

Hiding something is usually a strong indication that someone didn’t want to see a particular post. here is also a small group of people on Facebook who hide a very high number of stories in their News Feed. In fact, some people hide almost every post in their News Feed, even after they’ve liked or commented on posts. For this group of people, 'hide' isn’t as strong a negative signal, and in fact they may still want to see similar stories to the ones they’ve hidden in the future.

To do a better job of serving this small group, we made a small update to News Feed so that, for these people only, we don’t take 'hide' into account as strongly as before. As a result, this group of people has started seeing more stories from the Pages and friends they are connected to than in the past. Overall, this tweak helps this group see more of the stuff they are interested in." [2022-07-13]

source: https://about.fb.com/news/2015/07/news-feed-fyi-a-better-understanding-of-hide/

2015-06-16 "The 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump was formally launched on June 16, 2015, at Trump Tower in New York City." [2022-07-09]

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_2016_presidential_campaign

2015-05-07 "Exposure to Diverse Information on Facebook

People increasingly turn to social networks for news and information. This has led to questions about whether this creates filter bubbles where people only see information from like-minded individuals, and whether algorithms used to rank search results and social media posts contribute to this. (...)

We found that most people have friends who claim an opposing political ideology, and that the content in peoples’ News Feeds reflect those diverse views. (...)

Specifically, we find that among those who self-report a liberal or conservative affiliation:

   On average 23% of people’s friends claim an opposing political ideology

   Of the hard news content that people’s friends share, 29.5% of it cuts across ideological lines

   When it comes to what people see in News Feed, 28.9% of the hard news encountered cuts across ideological lines, on average

   24.9% of the hard news content that people actually clicked on cuts across ideological lines" [2022-07-13]

source: https://about.fb.com/news/2015/05/news-feed-fyi-exposure-to-diverse-information-on-facebook/

2015-01-29 "Introducing Place Tips in News Feed (...)

To better show you this content at just the right place and time, today we’re launching a new feature called place tips. Place tips will show you fun, useful and relevant info about the place you’re at. Tapping on place tips won’t post on Facebook or show anyone where you are.

Get More Out of the Places You Visit

Starting today on Facebook for iPhone, place tips may show up at the top of your News Feed when you’re out and about.(...)

Turn Off At Any Time

You can turn place tips off or on at any time in your settings or just hide tips about specific places. Place tips only appear if you’ve given Facebook permission to access your location on your phone.

How Place Tips Work

Your location is determined using cellular networks, Wi-Fi and GPS. (...)

In certain places, we’re also testing place tips using Facebook Bluetooth beacons, which send a signal to your phone that helps us show you the right tips for the right place." [2022-07-13]

source: https://about.fb.com/news/2015/01/introducing-place-tips-in-news-feed/

2015-01-20 "Showing Fewer Hoaxes (...)

Today’s update to News Feed reduces the distribution of posts that people have reported as hoaxes and adds an annotation to posts that have received many of these types of reports to warn others on Facebook. We are not removing stories people report as false and we are not reviewing content and making a determination on its accuracy.

What are hoaxes?

Hoaxes are a form of News Feed spam that includes scams (“Click here to win a lifetime supply of coffee”), or deliberately false or misleading news stories (“Man sees dinosaur on hike in Utah”). People often share these hoaxes and later decide to delete their original posts after they realize they have been tricked. These types of posts also tend to receive lots of comments from friends letting people know this is a hoax, and comments containing links to hoax-busting websites. In fact, our testing found people are two times more likely to delete these types of posts after receiving such a comment from a friend.(...)

Stories that include scams, or deliberately misleading news, are reported two and a half times more often than links to other news stories." [2022-07-13]

source: https://about.fb.com/news/2015/01/news-feed-fyi-showing-fewer-hoaxes/

2014-08-25 "So how do we determine what looks like click-bait?

One way is to look at how long people spend reading an article away from Facebook. If people click on an article and spend time reading it, it suggests they clicked through to something valuable. If they click through to a link and then come straight back to Facebook, it suggests that they didn’t find something that they wanted. With this update we will start taking into account whether people tend to spend time away from Facebook after clicking a link, or whether they tend to come straight back to News Feed when we rank stories with links in them.

Another factor we will use to try and show fewer of these types of stories is to look at the ratio of people clicking on the content compared to people discussing and sharing it with their friends. If a lot of people click on the link, but relatively few people click Like, or comment on the story when they return to Facebook, this also suggests that people didn’t click through to something that was valuable to them." [2022-07-13]

source: https://about.fb.com/news/2014/08/news-feed-fyi-click-baiting/

2014-04-10 "Cleaning Up News Feed Spam

The goal of News Feed is to deliver the right content to the right people at the right time so they don’t miss the stories that are important and relevant to them.

Today we are announcing a series of improvements to News Feed to reduce stories that people frequently tell us are spammy and that they don’t want to see. (...)

The improvement we are making today better detects these stories [Like-baiting] and helps ensure that they are not shown more prominently in News Feed than more relevant stories from friends and other Pages. (...)

By measuring how frequently people on Facebook who visit a link choose to like the original post or share that post with their friends, we’ve been able to better detect spammy links." [2022-07-13]

source: https://about.fb.com/news/2014/04/news-feed-fyi-cleaning-up-news-feed-spam/

2013-12-02 "Why are we doing this? Our surveys show that on average people prefer links to high quality articles about current events, their favorite sports team or shared interests, to the latest meme. Starting soon, we’ll be doing a better job of distinguishing between a high quality article on a website versus a meme photo hosted somewhere other than Facebook when people click on those stories on mobile. This means that high quality articles you or others read may show up a bit more prominently in your News Feed, and meme photos may show up a bit less prominently.

To complement people’s interest in articles, we recently began looking at ways to show people additional articles similar to ones they had just read. Soon, after you click on a link to an article, you may see up to three related articles directly below the News Feed post to help you discover more content you may find interesting. (...)

Comment Stories

While trying to show more articles people want to read, we also don’t want people to miss the conversations among their friends. So we’re updating bumping to highlight stories with new comments. After people read a story, they are unlikely to go back and find that story again to see what their friends were saying about it, and it wouldn’t bump up in News Feed. With this update stories will occasionally resurface that have new comments from friends.

As a result, people may start seeing a few more stories returning to their feed with new comments highlighted. Our testing has shown that doing this in moderation for just a small number of stories can lead to more conversations between people and their friends on all types of content." [2022-07-13]

source: https://about.fb.com/news/2013/12/news-feed-fyi-helping-you-find-more-news-to-talk-about/

2013-10-21 "Today one out of every three people lives in a society that is severely censored. Online barriers can include everything from filters that block content to targeted attacks designed to take down websites." [2022-07-16]

source: https://blog.google/alphabet/new-free-expression-tools-from-google/

source: https://web.archive.org/web/20160320205319/http://en.rsf.org/press-freedom-index-2013,1054.html

2013-01 - pico das pesquisas no google sobre a expressão "hate speech" ("discurso de ódio" em inglês) [2022-07-16]

source: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=hate%20speech

2010-03-22 "So earlier today we stopped censoring our search services - Google Search, Google News, and Google Images - on Google.cn. Users visiting Google.cn are now being redirected to Google.com.hk, where we are offering uncensored search in simplified Chinese, specifically designed for users in mainland China and delivered via our servers in Hong Kong." [2022-07-16]

source: https://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/03/new-approach-to-china-update.html

2010-01-12 "We launched Google.cn in January 2006 in the belief that the benefits of increased access to information for people in China and a more open Internet outweighed our discomfort in agreeing to censor some results. (...)

We have decided we are no longer willing to continue censoring our results on Google.cn, and so over the next few weeks we will be discussing with the Chinese government the basis on which we could operate an unfiltered search engine within the law, if at all. We recognize that this may well mean having to shut down Google.cn, and potentially our offices in China." [2022-07-16]

source: https://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/new-approach-to-china.html

2009-09-02 "Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History

Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing (...)

Pharmacia & Upjohn Company has agreed to plead guilty to a felony violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act for misbranding Bextra with the intent to defraud or mislead. Bextra is an anti-inflammatory drug that Pfizer pulled from the market in 2005. (...)

In addition, Pfizer has agreed to pay $1 billion to resolve allegations under the civil False Claims Act that the company illegally promoted four drugs – Bextra; Geodon, an anti-psychotic drug; Zyvox, an antibiotic; and Lyrica, an anti-epileptic drug – and caused false claims to be submitted to government health care programs for uses that were not medically accepted indications and therefore not covered by those programs." [2022-07-13]

source: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history

2009-06-21 "Electronic voting machines that do not produce a paper record of every vote cast cannot be trusted." [2020-07-18]

source: https://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/22/opinion/22mon2.html

2009-01-09 - lançamento, por Satoshi Nakamoto (desconhecido), da Bitcoin. uma moeda digital decentralizada, logo, independente dos controle governamentais. [2022-07-14]

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin

2008-10-08 "Experts Conclude Pfizer Manipulated Studies

The drug maker Pfizer earlier this decade manipulated the publication of scientific studies to bolster the use of its epilepsy drug Neurontin for other disorders, while suppressing research that did not support those uses, according to experts who reviewed thousands of company documents for plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the company.

Pfizer’s tactics included delaying the publication of studies that had found no evidence the drug worked for some other disorders, 'spinning' negative data to place it in a more positive light, and bundling negative findings with positive studies to neutralize the results, according to written reports by the experts, who analyzed the documents at the request of the plaintiffs’ lawyers." [2022-07-13]

source: https://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/08/health/research/08drug.html

more info: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-pfizer-neurontin-settlement/pfizer-to-pay-325-million-in-neurontin-settlement-idUSKBN0ED1IS20140602 (2014-06-02)

2006-10-04 - registro do domínio "wikileaks.org", projeto de Julian Paul Assange (1971-07-03 - ) com o objetivo de tornar o tempo entre o vazamento de alguma informação sigilosa e sua popularização menor em relação ao antigo modelo jornalístico. [2022-07-14]

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WikiLeaks

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Assange

2006-09-08 "In News Feed and Mini-Feed, Facebook does not publish information about Pokes, Messages, whose profile a user views, whose photos a user views, whose Notes a user reads, groups and events a user declines to join, people a user rejects as friends or people who a user removes from their Friend List.

As always, all the information displayed in News Feed and Mini-Feed is subject to the same industry-leading privacy restrictions that have made Facebook a trusted site for sharing information. People share information only with others in their networks and with confirmed friends. Facebook encourages accountability by authenticating people into defined networks." [2022-07-13]

source: https://about.fb.com/news/2006/09/facebook-launches-additional-privacy-controls-for-news-feed-and-mini-feed/

2003-10-01 - lançado o fórum anônimo 4chan, o qual eventualmente se dividiu em tópicos de discussão variados desde anime até política. (/pol/, "politically incorrect" em outubro de 2011) dada sua natureza caótica, seu conteúdo é inadequado para menores. [2022-07-14]

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4chan

- adicionar notícias prévias sobre origem do laboratório, onu, oms, pr oms... Xi Jinping

1984 - Anthony Stephen Fauci (1940-12-24 - ) tem sido conselheiro médico e diretor do NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) desde meados do governo (1981-1989) de Ronald Reagan (1911-02-06 - 2004-06-05). [2022-07-09]

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Fauci

trilha sonora oficial da publicação

Avishai Cohen - The Ever Evolving Etude (2008)


I'm out!

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