2kliksphilip [yt]
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der8auer [yt]
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Eli the Computer Guy [yt]
ExplainingComputers [yt]
Gamers Nexus [yt]
Gary Explains [yt]
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Level1Techs [yt]
Louis Rossmann [yt]
Mental Outlaw [yt]
PCWorld [yt]
ServeTheHome [yt]
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Tech Notice [yt]
Techno Tim [yt]
TechTechPotato [yt] (Ian Cutress)
UFD Tech [yt] (low quality info)
VegaData [yt]
Wolfgang's Channel [yt]
David Bombal [yt]
Hak5 [yt]
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Sumsub [yt]
Vibe Tech [yt]
Reclaim The Net [yt]
Techlore [yt]
The Hated One [yt]
A Tenda do Necromante [yt] (Osvaldo Luiz Ribeiro)
Caminhos do imaginário [yt] (Claudio Bersot)
Estranha História [yt] (Henrique Caldeira)
AronRa [yt]
Bart D. Ehrman [yt]
Closer To Truth TV [yt] (Robert Lawrence Kuhn)
CosmicSkeptic [yt] (Alex O'Connor)
Gnostic Informant [yt] (Neal Sendlak)
Lady Babylon [yt] (Ammon Hillman)
Let's Talk Religion [yt]
MythVision Podcast [yt]
ReasonableFaithOrg [yt] (William Lane Craig)
ReligionForBreakfast [yt] (Andrew Mark Henry)
Robert Sepehr [yt] (Atlantean Gardens)
* to search for: Carl Anton Paul Ruck; Ram Dass (Marsh Chapel Experiment, "Good Friday Experiment", 1962); Timothy Leary; Ralph Metzner; Albert Hofmann; Terence McKenna; Dennis McKenna; Paul Stamets; Alan Watts; Jiddu Krishnamurti; Mircea Eliade; Joseph Campbell; Carl Gustav Jung; Jason Ananda Josephson Storm; John Marco Allegro; Sam Harris; Rajneesh Osho; Helena Blavatsky; Éliphas Lévi; Mortimer Adler; Paulo Freire; Eric Voegelin;
Jeff Nippard [yt]
More Plates More Dates [yt] (Derek Fitness)
Renaissance Periodization [yt] (Michael Israetel)
* to search for: Arthur Jones, Lou Ferrigno, Mike Mentzer.
Alexandre Garcia [yt]
Gazeta do Povo [yt]
Luís Ernesto Lacombe [yt]
Mundo Rural Business [yt]
Programa 4 por 4 [yt]
Rádio AuriVerde [yt]
Revista Oeste [yt]
-- gringos
America Uncovered [yt]
Anything Goes [yt]
China in Focus [yt]
China Uncensored [yt]
Crossroads with JOSHUA PHILIPP [yt]
Epoch TV [yt]
John Stossel TV [yt]
Mark Dice [rb]
Neil Oliver [yt]
Newsmax [yt]
NTD [yt]
O'Keefe Media Group [yt] (James O'Keefe)
Pat Condell [rb]
Redacted [yt]
RonPaulLibertyReport [yt]
Styxhexenhammer666 [yt]
The Corbett Report Official LBRY Channel [od]
The Rubin Report [yt]
TimcastIRL [yt]
TimcastNews [yt]
Tim Pool [yt] (The Culture War)
WeAreChange [od]
* Whitney Webb (search for her)
Bret Weinstein [yt]
Danny Jones [yt]
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Freedomain [od] (Stefan Molyneux)
Lex Fridman [yt]
Michael Malice [yt]
The Joe Rogan Experience [sp] (DRM)
Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal [yt]
AssombradO [yt]
Awaken With JP [rb]
Behind The Meme [yt]
Know Your Meme [yt]
NikTek [yt]
Ryan Long [yt]
ThePrimeTimeagen [yt]
TheReportOfTheWeek [yt]
Thoughty2 [yt]
-- text
Carlos Cardoso (meiobit)
The Old New Thing (Raymond Chen)
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